Caregivers Home

caregiver apps

4 Popular Caregiver Apps

In the case of the busy caregiver managing the home medical needs of a loved one, the latest caregiver apps offer an efficient way to...

Gina Flores
managing medications manejo de medicamentos

8 Caregiver Tips for Managing Medications

When your health or that of the person you care for depends on medications, it’s critical to keep track of doses, refills and any interactions.

Gina Flores
new medicare card nueva tarjeta de Medicare

Reducing Fraud: A New Medicare Card is Coming Soon

With consumer security and fraud protection as the top priority, new Medicare cards will no longer feature the social security numbers of beneficiaries.

Gina Flores
family caregiver support

Five Acts of Kindness to Support a Family Caregiver

How can we support a family caregiver? Through thoughtful acts of kindness, we can make a meaningful difference and be a source of encouragement in...

Gina Flores
spina bifida niños con espina bífida

Embracing Spina Bifida: A Mother’s Story

My story begins 15 years ago when my son Enrique was born and 6 years ago when I adopted my daughter Jiya. Both children were born with Spina Bifida...

Gina Flores
Communicating with a person with dementia comunicarse con una persona con demencia

Ten Tips for Communicating with a Person with Dementia

Communicating with a person with dementia can be uncomfortable at times and some caregivers are reluctant to admit their feelings. It's important to...

Gina Flores
Spina Bifida Awareness Month espina bífida

Patience, Love, and the Hot Air Balloon

Spina Bifida Awareness month is here and we are honored to share this vivid, sweet story written by Erin T. about her son’s wish come true…

Gina Flores
angelman syndrome síndrome de Angelman

My Beautiful Granddaughter with Angelman Syndrome

Special thanks to Iris K. for sharing this special story about caring for her granddaughter with Angelman Syndrome. I remember the moment when...

Gina Flores
elderly parents

A Son’s Devotion: Caring For My Elderly Parents

They are many challenges that come with caregiving, as we all know. Both of my elderly parents are in their 80's, dad being 84 and mom being 81.

Gina Flores
Disabled Care Funding

Judge Orders Medicare To Clarify When It Will Pay For Rehab And Skilled Nursing

Imagine your mom has a stroke. Once she is stabilized, she is sent to a skilled nursing facility for rehab. Then she goes home and...

Aimee Sharp
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